• What are your rates?

    My rates vary depending on the project. If you need a quick and simple video done for your social media, rates are significantly cheaper. If you want me to put together a trailer or a short film, rates are going to be more expensive. I recommend getting a quote before you decide on hiring me. You can also request my rates by contacting me directly through the button on this site.

  • Do I have to pay for a quote?

    Nope! Getting a quote from me is completely free and costs you & I nothing but time. No strings attached, no hidden fees.

  • Can I hire you long-term?

    If my rates are within your budget and you would like to hire me in the long-term, I’d be happy to work for you! Consistent work is always great, especially if we find that we work well together as collaborators!

  • Can you edit my film school project for me?

    Unfortunately, if you are a student and required to do your own work, I will not in good conscience be able to do your schoolwork for you. If you are doing something outside of class however, that is a completely different story. Always happy to work with those striving to work in this field, just not for a grade.

  • Do you JUST edit?

    While I’m not the best in other aspects of post-production, my skills in sound design, title design, and sound mixing are serviceable and workable. I’m primarily an editor but if you need me to throw in a title card or turn down some music, I can definitely do that.